Suggesting Hospice to Your Seriously Ill Patients
Studies have shown that the vast majority of patients want to know the truth about their condition.¹ Without it, they feel abandoned and alone. Yet in today’s time-constrained environment, health care professionals (HCPs) are challenged to set aside the time to have the conversation with patients and families early and to update it regularly.²
Talking about options near the end of life while the patient still enjoys quality of life is a priceless gift from the HCP to the patient and the family. Armed with choices and an understanding of what hospice offers, an informed patient feels in control.
And much like history-taking or conducting a physical examination, broaching end-of-life discussions with patients is a skill that can be learned. Performed skillfully, these conversations strengthen doctor-patient relationships and increase the likelihood that patients will choose appropriate treatment options, such as hospice.
We Offer:
- Personalized Care Plans
- Personalized Medical Services
- Skilled Nursing
- Physical, Occupational, Speech Therapy
- Dietary Counseling
- Medical Social Work
- Grief and Bereavement Services
- Spiritual and Pastoral Services
- Hospice Care
Call Now: 888-808-5226 Fax: 415-854-0492